St. Andrew's Welcomes You!

This is not a slogan, but a reflection of what we believe Jesus teaches us and the core of the movement Jesus began in the first century. The Episcopal Church welcomes all. Everyone!

As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement today, we Episcopalians are committed to honor the covenant and promises we make in Holy Baptism: To proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ; to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.
We believe that God loves you—no exceptions. 

Our Worship Services

Worship in the Episcopal Church combines Scripture, prayer, communion, music, and movement. Ceremony is a traditional part of our worship experience—but ceremony is not as important as people. It is our privilege to help you become familiar with our worship customs and understand their meaning. (And not all people participate in every liturgical custom.) Most importantly, we want you to feel at home with us. St. Andrew’s really does welcome you! 

Several Different Worship Services, One Church

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)

What are Rite I and Rite II?
Rite I uses an order of worship and prayer in the forms created at the beginnings of Anglicanism, during the Elizabethan period. The language is more poetic and uses more formal, sacramental language like "thee" and "thou."

Rite II is written in contemporary language and has more variations in the ranges of prayers that are used.

Weekly Worship Times


5:00 PM Rite II Eucharist in the Chapel


7:45 AM   Rite I  in the chapel (no music)

*9:00 AM   Rite II  in the church (contemporary music)

*10:30 AM   Rite II  in the church (traditional music)

* The 9:00 AM service  AND  the 10:30 AM service will be live streamed on our Facebook page


9:30 AM Rite II Eucharist and Prayers for Healing